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Man killed by police in Minneapolis, seven months after George Floyd

December 31, 2020 in Minneapolis. – Jeff Wheeler / AP / SIPA

A man was killed by police on Wednesday during a traffic stop in Minneapolis, where the death of George Floyd in May sparked protests in the United States.

“The first hearings of witnesses indicate that the person involved in this control fired the first on the police officers of Minneapolis, who then exchanged shots with the suspect”, specified during a press briefing the chief of the city ​​police, Medaria Arradondo.

Police under pressure

No details on the victim or the police involved were immediately available, but the police pedestrian cameras were activated during the exchange and these videos will be released on Thursday, he added. This event comes against the backdrop of an increase in violent delinquency in this city in the North American Midwest, shaken for weeks by the protests after the death of George Floyd.

People gathered at the site on Wednesday near a gas station in the south of the city, and the police called on the population to avoid “illegal and destructive behavior”. “We want to do everything we can to protect the First Amendment, the right of everyone to assemble and protest freely, but I repeat, we are not going to allow illegal and destructive behavior,” said the head of the police.

The population still affected by the death of George Floyd

“Our city has already suffered too much,” added Medaria Arradondo. A passenger of the man shot by police is unharmed, as is the officer involved. George Floyd died on May 25, after Derek Chauvin, the now dismissed police officer, held his knee to his neck for more than eight minutes, while the latter repeated “I can’t breathe” (“I can’t breathe”). breathe ”), before losing consciousness.

This video and the death of George Floyd had provoked demonstrations in the city, the region and then had shaken the whole country, at the call in particular of the Black Lives Matter movement in the fight against racism in the police.


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