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European Commission withdraws internal document on inclusive language

European Commission withdraws internal document on inclusive language

European Commission withdraws internal document on inclusive language

The Commission european announced on Tuesday that it withdrew an internal document that contains a series of recommendations to communicate in an “inclusive” way avoiding certain words and expressions, after a start of controversy.

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“Some examples given in the recommendations on inclusive communication caused concern,” said European Equality Commissioner Helena Dalli, announcing the withdrawal of the document on Twitter.

He added that his services are working on “an updated version” of those recommendations, written in English and intended for the Commission staff for communication, both internal and external.

“In the name of inclusiveness, the European Commission will go as far as canceling the use of Christmas,” criticized the Italian daily Il Giornale (right) on Sunday.

The Commission recommended not “assuming that everyone is a Christian” and avoiding the expression “the Christmas period” preferring to use “holiday period”.

Maltese Commissioner Helena Dalli said her “initiative” to draft recommendations “sought to achieve an important objective: to show the diversity of European culture and to highlight the inclusive nature of the European Commission.”

But he acknowledged that the published version did not “adequately address that goal” and required revision.



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