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Omicron: Joe Biden Plans Strict Travel Rules for New Coronavirus Strain, Post Says

Omicron: Joe Biden Plans Strict Travel Rules for New Coronavirus Strain, Post Says

Omicron: Joe Biden Plans Strict Travel Rules for New Coronavirus Strain, Post Says

The Administration of the President of USA, Joe Biden, plans to enact stricter rules for all arriving travelers, including returning Americans, with the goal of curbing a possible spread of the new variant of the coronavirus COVID-19 omicron.

This is how the newspaper advanced this Tuesday The Washington Post, who explained that the US will require all people entering its territory to take a test one day before boarding their flight, regardless of their vaccination status or country of departure.

Additionally, travelers may be re-screened within three to five days of arrival at USA, according to the capital newspaper, which cited three federal health officials.

As part of this plan, which will be announced on Thursday, the Biden administration will force all visitors, including US citizens, to self-quarantine for seven days even if their coronavirus test results are negative.

In the event that travelers do not comply with this new regulation, they will be subject to fines and sanctions, according to a draft of the order drawn up by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (CDC) that the Post had access to.

Currently, USA requires proof of coronavirus before departure for vaccinated and unvaccinated air travelers, but is stricter for those who have not received the inoculations.

In fact, the unvaccinated must present a negative test within 24 hours before the flight, while the vaccinated must do the same, but within the previous 72 hours.

The new rule will require that all travelers take the test one day before their departure.

The response team against the pandemic of the United States Government admitted, this Tuesday, that it will take weeks, at least between two and four, until they have sufficient information about the new variant of COVID-19, omicron, its transmission capacity and his aggressiveness.

That is why both the administration’s chief epidemiologist, Antony Fauci, as well as the director of the Centers for Disease Control, Rochelle Walensky, and the coordinator of the White House response to the pandemic, Jeff Zients, insisted on recommending to the Americans to get the vaccine booster or the first dose of the vaccine if they have not already been inoculated.

In the United States, the country hardest hit by the pandemic with more than 775,000 deaths, almost 20% of its population has also already received the booster dose of available serums.




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