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The Fall from Grace of the Cuomo Dynasty in New York (and Why CNN Dumped Chris)

The Fall from Grace of the Cuomo Dynasty in New York (and Why CNN Dumped Chris)

The Fall from Grace of the Cuomo Dynasty in New York (and Why CNN Dumped Chris)

After the fall from grace of Andrew Cuomo, who resigned in August following complaints from several women of sexual harassment, his brother Chris, a renowned CNN journalist, has been dismissed by the network’s management for advising him.

The CNN decided to set aside the 51-year-old star journalist Tuesday night for “An indefinite period” after revealing the content of the investigation carried out by the State prosecutor, Letitia James, candidate in turn to govern the state of New York.

SIGHT: Authorities claim to have an “overwhelming amount of evidence” against Cuomo

, which led him to resign in August from his position.

At least 11 women have reported having suffered sexual harassment from the once powerful New York state governor for ten years, which reached a national political dimension in 2020 due to his management of the covid-19 pandemic.

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Prosecutor James published on Monday thousands of pages of transcripts and videos of the auditions of many protagonists of her investigation against Andrew Cuomo, among which was also his brother.

“Yes, he is my brother, I deeply adore him regardless of what happens. I only have one”, The journalist responded to investigators who questioned him in July about the kind of advice and help he had provided Andrew amid the storm of sexual assault allegations.

“If I can help my brother, I will. If you want me to listen to you for something I will. If you want me to influence something, I will try to do it ”, insisted Chris Cuomo.

The CNN justified his decision in these court documents, which “They reveal that the level of involvement in helping their brother is more important than we knew”, justified a spokesman for the chain.


To understand the strength of the ties between the two brothers, we must delve into the “family saga” of the Cuomo For a century, a symbol of the success of Italian immigration in the United States that arrived at the beginning of the 20th century, explains Michael Shnayerson, author of “The Contender: Andrew Cuomo, a Biography” to AFP.

And going back to the Italian grandfather, Andrea Cuomo, who left the Naples region in the 1920s and ran a grocery store in the borough of Queens with his wife Immacolata.


“He barely spoke English and when asked what motivated him, he answered ‘puncha puncha’, which means ‘never stop hitting’ and ‘never give up’, Shnayerson account.

His son Mario Cuomo, born in 1932 and educated in New York, rose through the ranks of local politics and the Democratic Party until he was elected governor of the state three times (1983-1994), leaving his mark in the Big Apple.

For his biographer, Mario Cuomo was “a man with enormous charm but who was as hard on his children as his father had on him.”

His father’s campaign manager in the 1980s, Andrew Cuomo He entered politics in the Democratic Party and then in the Bill Clinton administration in the 1990s, before becoming attorney general of the state of New York in the 2000s. In 2011 he won the gubernatorial election.

The Cuomo clan was erected for decades in a political dynasty of national magnitude, as were the Kennedys, with whom they were related. One of Ethel and Robert Kennedy’s daughters, assassinated 1968 New York senator Kerry Kennedy, married Andrew Cuomo in 1990 until their tumultuous divorce in 2005.

“In this great family saga, Mario remained the patriarch until his death” in 2015, Michael Shnayerson notes. But after his disappearance, “Andrew and Chris may have lost the moral compass” necessary “to prevent them from capsizing,” he concludes.


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