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Ainara Suárez, alleged victim of the Mexican youtuber YosStop, says she gives her a “second chance”

Ainara Suárez, alleged victim of discrimination by the Mexican youtuber Yoseline Hoffman, known as YosStop and that he was released from prison on Tuesday after five months, he said at a press conference on Wednesday that he was given a “second chance.”

“In the case of Yoseline, after thinking about it a lot and talking about it (talking about it), I decided to give it a second chance “, said the young woman, who she was allegedly raped by five young women who later -in 2018- released the recording of the events that came to the hands of YosStop who criticized and insulted her in a video of YouTube.

SIGHT: The youtuber YosStop, accused of child pornography, gets out of jail | VIDEO

“What I wanted was this, to give a message of strength to other victims, that the people who hurt me face the consequences of their actions and never hurt anyone again, that my case serves so that we all know that you have no right to touch anyone without their explicit consent (…) and that you have no right to have or share sexual content of any person ”, added the 19-year-old.

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The Attorney General’s Office of Mexico City (FGJCDMX) indicated that the agent of the Public Ministry of the Office of the Prosecutor for Processes “requested the reclassification of the crime of child pornography due to discrimination and the victim accepted the reparation of the damage offered by the defense of the charged ”.

Yoseline Hoffman, known as YosStop, has been in prison since June. (Instagram).

“After analyzing options and discussing it with my legal counsel, we looked for the way so that the case could fulfill a pedagogical function and that, instead of Yoseline continuing in jail, she could leave but subject to a series of conditions with which she would change. his way of communicating about treating women “, Suárez declared in conference.

In addition, you must publish a video each month in which you share the content of the courses you will attend, train on the subject of victims and donate 5% of your income to associations or groups.

Ainara Suárez, alleged victim of discrimination by the Mexican youtuber Yoseline Hoffman.  (EFE / Sáshenka Gutiérrez).

Ainara Suárez, alleged victim of discrimination by the Mexican youtuber Yoseline Hoffman. (EFE / Sáshenka Gutiérrez).

On June 29, the “influencer” was arrested accused of the crime of pornography to the detriment of a minor at her home by agents of the Investigative Police of the Capital Prosecutor’s Office, and taken to the Santa Martha Acatitla female prison in the capital .

The arrest came after Suárez denounced in March Yoseline for the crime of child pornography and equal rape.

The complaint was also directed at five men who so far have not been arrested. According to the young woman’s testimony, they attacked her, raped her and documented the events, and later released the recording on May 25, 2018.

The material was disseminated by young people on social networks and reached the hands of the 30-year-old “influencer”, who dedicated a video on her YouTube channel to talk about the case and, among other things, called her a “whore” and criticized the attitudes of the young woman on numerous occasions.


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