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Putin and Biden videoconference call in preparation, Kremlin says

Russia and the United States are working to organize a videoconference meeting between Presidents Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden, at the height of tensions around Ukraine, the Kremlin said on Friday. In progress. This is a videoconference, ”Kremlin spokesman Dmitri Peskov told reporters when asked about the format of this eagerly awaited interview.

According to Kremlin adviser Yuri Ushakov, “the concrete date has already been set”. “We are close to an agreement on the time that will suit everyone,” he told the press, specifying that the interview will take place “after the visit to India” of Vladimir Poutin, scheduled Monday.

“Afghanistan, Iran, Libya, the Ukrainian crisis …” on the menu of discussions

The two leaders should notably discuss, during this virtual meeting, “the unsatisfactory situation in bilateral relations”, according to the same source. “Afghanistan, Iran, Libya, the Ukrainian crisis and the dialogue on strategic stability” will also be on the menu of discussions, said Yuri Ushakov.

Russia also wishes to discuss its proposals on “legal guarantees of the non-enlargement of NATO towards the East” of Europe, at the Russian borders, as demanded by Vladimir Poutine, he added.

The reasons for tensions have multiplied in recent months

The reasons for tensions between Washington and Moscow have multiplied in recent months, despite the desire for appeasement displayed by Vladimir Poutin and Joe Biden during their first summit, in June in Geneva.

One of the main points of contention concerns the movements of Russian troops around Ukraine, the scene since 2014 of a conflict between Kiev and pro-Russian separatists in the east. In recent days, the United States, NATO and the European Union have continued to express their concern on this subject.


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