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Policewoman tried for killing black man by mistaking his Taser for his gun

Believing she was using her Taser, she had shot down a young African-American with her service weapon. The trial of a white policewoman began this Wednesday in Minneapolis, where this drama reopened the wounds of the murder of George Floyd.

Kim Potter, 49, is on trial for manslaughter. The facts date back to April 11, 2021. This seasoned agent then killed Daunte Wright, 20, in Brooklyn Center, in the suburb of this large city in the north of the United States.

George Floyd murder trial drama

The drama had a strong impact because it had arisen during the trial of white policeman Derek Chauvin who, in May 2020 in Minneapolis, asphyxiated George Floyd, a black man of 46 years. The ordeal of the forties had initiated huge anti-racist demonstrations around the world.

Almost a year later, the death of Daunte Wright had rekindled tensions in Minneapolis and protests peppered with violence had taken place several nights in a row. Kim Potter’s arrest brought calm, but the city remained on edge until Derek Chauvin was sentenced to 22 years in prison.

The policewoman’s trial takes place in the shadow of this historical precedent: it takes place in the same court, with the same prosecutors and certain joint lawyers. After ten days devoted to the selection of the jury, which has only one black person, the debates began with the presentation of the main lines of the prosecution and the defense.

She yells “Taser” several times

The facts are not disputed: Kim Potter and two colleagues had stopped the car of Daunte Wright for a banal traffic control. After realizing that he was the subject of an arrest warrant for a weapons offense, they decided to arrest him. The young man, who was unarmed, had tried to flee. To dissuade him, Kim Potter had drawn what she thought was his electric pistol. On a recording of the scene, we hear him shout “Taser” several times, before firing.

“She is not being prosecuted for intentional homicide,” said prosecutor Erin Eldridge from the outset, but it is not “an unfortunate mistake” either. “This file concerns the reckless handling of a weapon, the neglect of the risk” by a policewoman with 26 years of experience, she asserted.

” It was an accident. He’s a human being ”

Kim Potter “did what she had to do to protect a colleague” who risked being swept away by Daunte Wright’s car, retorted his lawyer Paul Engh. Under the effect of “stress”, “she made a mistake, it was an accident. He’s a human being, ”he added, comparing her to a surgeon who, after 100 operations, can still be wrong.

The policewoman should be called to the witness stand in a few days. The verdict is expected by the end of the year.


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