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Drunk driver hit and killed his wife in the middle of an argument

A truck driver ran over and killed his wife after the woman objected to him taking her 4-year-old daughter. The femicide occurred in the Carvajal Osorio neighborhood, southwestern Bogotá, Colombia.

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The authorities indicated that the aggressor is a 45-year-old man who, while intoxicated and after an argument, injured his partner after hitting her with his truck.

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“When the Police units arrived in the area, they identified a wounded woman. When conducting the inquiries, a previous case of domestic violence was identified. This man intended to take his daughter while she was apparently in a drunken state. The mother stopped in front of the vehicle and this subject hit her ”, pointed the elder Luis Acosta, Commander of the Kennedy Police.

The first versions indicated that the death of the woman would have occurred in the middle of a traffic accident, but the Policeman later found that it was a femicide.

After the fact, the woman was transferred to a medical center, where she arrived without vital signs. The aggressor was captured and placed at the disposal of the Office of the Attorney General of the Nation.


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