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Anti-vaccines vandalize Mont Valérien, a place of homage to those who died during World War II

Mont Valérien, place of homage to the fallen French during the WWII (1939-1945), appeared vandalized this Monday with a message against the health passport.

The graffiti wrote on its wall the word “Antipass” with the final two “s” in the shape attributed to the initials of the Nazi paramilitary militias of the “Schutzstaffel”.

The organization in defense of the National Memory of Île de France denounced on Twitter that this inscription is an “insult” to the memories of the men who were shot and buried there, and assured that there is no place for “any totalitarian and obscurantist expression” .

Currently, France requires a health passport to access most entertainment venues, such as museums or restaurants, and its presentation has also become mandatory to access outdoor Christmas events, such as Christmas markets.

Mont Valérien is a former military fortress two kilometers west of Paris.

It was there that the Nazi occupiers executed more than a thousand members of the resistance and hostages (including several Spaniards) and that is where France erected a memorial to pay tribute to all those who fell in World War II.

Various political faces in the country showed their rejection of these acts of vandalism on Monday.

It is an attack on “our national memory. Attacking our national memory is breaking the cement of the Republic. Nothing excuses stupidity or hatred, “French Defense Minister Florence Parly said in a tweet.

“It is intolerable to desecrate the memory of those who fought for our freedom,” the mayor of Paris and candidate for the April presidential elections, the socialist Anne Hidalgo, also added on Twitter.


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