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Lucía Hiriart, widow of Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet, dies at 99

Lucía Hiriart, the controversial widow of the late Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet, died on Thursday at the age of 99, his family reported, three days before a polarized presidential election in which one of the candidates defends the legacy of the military regime.

Hiriart aroused strong reactions for the influence he had on Pinochet’s decisions and for the fortune accumulated by his family and whose estate managed a controversial foundation, which was subjected to several judicial investigations.

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“At the age of 99 and surrounded by family and loved ones, my beloved grandmother passed away. Leave an immense mark on our hearts “her granddaughter said on social media.

”He gave his life to the service of Chileans and history will know how to value his great work and his work for our beloved country. Rest in peace”, added.

In a biography of the journalist Alejandra Matus, she is attributed a harsh character with which she criticized her husband, who was later dictator for 17 years and with whom she was married between 1943-2006, when the former dictator died.

“She was important for Pinochet to betray his comrades, accepting the death of close people, the torture of family members and even the exile of his own cousin”Matus said in 2013.

His figure was also used by detractors for constant ridicule about his longevity and during several relapses in his health in recent years rumors about his death were reactivated.

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