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The mayor of Bogotá tests positive for the coronavirus for the second time

The mayor of Bogotá, Claudia lopez, announced this Monday that he tested positive for covid-19 again after contracting the disease last May and assured that he has mild symptoms, so he will work from home in the coming days.

“This weekend I had some symptoms and today as a precaution I did a PCR test for covid and it came out positive. They just did a medical check-up and luckily all my vital signs and others are fine, I just have some flu-like symptoms “López said in a video posted on his social networks.

When the official tested positive last May, a time when the country was experiencing its deadly third peak, she assured that she had mild symptoms and would remain at rest on medical advice until she recovered.


The mayor of the Colombian capital on Monday blamed the mildness of the disease on being vaccinated and asked citizens who have not received the serum, to do so.

“Those who are not vaccinated are really at great risk, which can be fatal. And now, as confirmed by the Ministry, the omicron variant is circulating in Colombia ”, Lopez added.

Precisely the Minister of Health, Fernando Ruiz, confirmed today the first three cases of the omicron variant of covid-19 in Colombia in travelers who arrived from the United States and Spain, although he pointed out that “no community circulation has yet been identified.”

The cases, Ruiz added, were detected in the Caribbean cities of Cartagena de Indias and Santa Marta and the infected are two Colombians and one American.

The omicron variant was identified in the country at a time when the pandemic remains low when compared to the lethal third peak that happened in the middle of the year and which had more than 32,000 daily infections and a record of 754 deceased.

This Monday, 29 deaths and 1,699 new covid-19 infections were reported, bringing the fatalities to 129,487 and the total number of registered infections to 5,109,022.

The discovery of the omicron also occurs when the National Vaccination Plan is advancing at a good pace and more than 62.5 million doses have already been applied.

Of this total, 27,199,605 people have their complete vaccination schedule and 2,677,561 citizens have received booster doses.



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