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Time capsule buried 130 years ago in the United States opened

A time capsule buried 130 years ago at the base of a statue of a Confederate general was opened Wednesday in the state of Virginia, revealing various wet books and other items.

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The bronze statue of the general Robert E. Lee, who led the Army of Northern Virginia during the Civil War, was removed in September in Richmond, city of that state that was the capital of the South during the bloody conflict from 1861 to 1865.

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Inaugurated in 1890, the equestrian statue of Lee is among hundreds of Confederate monuments widely regarded as racist in America.

Once the statue was removed, workers began searching the 12-meter granite pedestal for a time capsule believed to have been hidden at its base in 1887.

They abandoned the search after several days, but the capsule was finally found last week when the pedestal was dismantled, and it was taken to the Richmond Department of Historical Resources.

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam ceremoniously opened the shoebox-size casket on Wednesday after scientists scraped the lead and mortar from the container for hours.

A newspaper article from 1887 indicated that the capsule contained Civil War relics such as buttons and bullets, Confederate currency, maps, a bible, and a photo of the president. Abraham Lincoln in his coffin, among other elements.

The box also contained three books, a sealed envelope with a photograph, and a coin of unknown origin. The books, the envelope and the photo were affected by the water that seeped into the chest.

One of the books is the 1875 American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac, a guide for astronomers, survivors, and navigators.

Another appears to be a book published in 1889, two years after the sealing of the time capsule was announced, leading to speculation that there might be another time capsule hidden in the pedestal.

Lee’s statue was the subject of anti-racism protests last year following the death of George Floyd, a black man who was killed by a white police officer in Minnesota.

During the Civil War, the Confederate South separated from the United States and fought to maintain slavery, which the rest of the country had abolished.

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