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Double earthquake hits Greek island of Crete

A double earthquake, the most powerful of which was magnitude 5.4, struck off the Greek island of Crete on Sunday, the Athens Observatory reported. The epicenter of the most powerful earthquake was located at a depth of 10 km, at sea, 45 km south of the island of Kasos, and occurred at 18:59 GMT, according to a statement.

In the same area, another magnitude 5.2 earthquake struck at 3:15 p.m. GMT at a depth of 9 km. A 5.8 magnitude earthquake rocked Crete on September 27, killing one person, injuring a dozen others and damaging hundreds of buildings. Greece is located on several earthquake faults and regularly experiences earthquakes.

A previous earthquake in October

In October, a 7.0 earthquake hit the Aegean Sea between the Greek island of Samos and the city of Izmir in western Turkey. Most of the damage occurred in Turkey, where 114 people were killed and more than a thousand were injured. In Greece, two teenagers had lost their lives in Samos. On Sunday, a third, slight, magnitude 4 tremor occurred at 4:14 p.m., 53 km northwest of Athens, at a depth of 16.7 km.


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