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A girl who became pregnant by rape interrupts her pregnancy in Bolivia

A girl who became pregnant by rape interrupts her pregnancy in Bolivia

A girl who became pregnant by rape interrupts her pregnancy in Bolivia

A 12-year-old girl who became pregnant due to rape in Bolivia was subjected to a pregnancy termination procedure that is allowed by national regulations in the case of sexual abuse.

The case was presented in the Andean region of Potosí, where the minor was initially denied the possibility of undergoing the Legal Interruption of Pregnancy (ILE), the Ombudsman’s Office reported on Monday in a press release.

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The girl was admitted to the Daniel Bracamonte hospital in Potosí on December 7 and 8, but the doctors of that health center alleged a “conscientious objection” and there was also an “irregular psychological approach” and outside the procedure established by the ILE said the Defensorial Delegate of Potosí, Vilma Martínez, cited in the note.

The Ombudsman’s Office recalled that there is a 2014 constitutional ruling that allows the legal interruption of a pregnancy in the event of rape, incest or rape, “When the product of the pregnancy has no chance of life and when the life of the mother is at risk.”

The aforementioned ruling allows the pregnancy to be interrupted in these cases without a court order, as required before.

Upon learning that the ILE request was denied, the entity requested the collaboration of the Children’s Ombudsman of Potosí for a psychological approach with professionals in the area, Martínez explained.

Finally, on December 24, the ILE proceeded and the minor is in the recovery stage, indicated the Ombudsman’s Office.

An investigation was launched into the health professionals of the Bracamonte Hospital for “violating the right of a girl who was denied the ILE,” said the Ombudsman.

Officials from the Ombudsman for Children and Adolescents of the Potosí town of Ckochas are also investigated for “allowing a doctor to carry out a psychological approach to the parents of the victim” and the November 10th Shelter Center for failing to comply with the provisions the ILE, added the entity.

In addition, the actions of the Public Ministry will be verified to identify the subject who abused the minor and other people who may be involved in this event for which so far no people have been detained, the Ombudsman’s Office denounced.

Last October, a similar case was known in the eastern region of Santa Cruz, where an 11-year-old girl pregnant by the constant rapes of her grandmother was subjected to an interruption of her pregnancy.

This case took on special relevance when religious groups contacted the mother of the minor, convinced her to continue the pregnancy and took her to a reception center for it, but finally the authorities and the Ombudsman’s Office intervened and the pregnancy was interrupted.

As a result of these cases, feminist organizations demand that Bolivia have a law on sexual and reproductive rights to guarantee the health and lives of girls and women.

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