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Spain adds a new record with almost 100,000 infections in one day

Spain adds a new record with almost 100,000 infections in one day

Spain adds a new record with almost 100,000 infections in one day

The contagions by coronavirus in Spain They continue to skyrocket, with almost 100,000 more positive cases (99,671) in the last 24 hours, a new record in a week of daily highs, according to the latest official data published this Tuesday.

With the sum of the last infections, more than six million people (6,032,297) have been infected with COVID-19 in Spain since the beginning of the pandemic, which continues to escalate with an incidence of 1,360 cases (154 points more than yesterday), according to the updated report of the Spanish Ministry of Health.

However, the incessant increase in infections still does not have a parallel effect on hospital pressure to the same extent as in previous waves: in ICUs the occupancy is 18.71%, while in the ward it is 8.06% .

The death toll from the pandemic is close to 90,000 people, with a total of 89,253 deaths, of which 114 have been reported in the last 24 hours.

The Spanish authorities continue to rely on vaccination to minimize the effects of this sixth wave and so far almost 90% of the population have received the full schedule.

The child vaccination campaign that began two weeks ago has already inoculated a dose to 24.6% of children between 5 and 11 years old, according to data provided this Tuesday by the Ministry of Health.

Regarding the booster doses, they already reach 86.9% of those who are over 70 years old and 71.5% of those between 60 and 69 years old; they fell to 24.1% in the 40-49 age bracket. In addition, a second dose has been inoculated to 59.3% of those who once received the single dose of Janssen.


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