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China can’t bring food to quarantined city of 13 million and people despair

China can’t bring food to quarantined city of 13 million and people despair

China can’t bring food to quarantined city of 13 million and people despair

The authorities of China admitted on Wednesday that they are having trouble guaranteeing food supplies to residents of Xi’an, a city confined for a week by an outbreak of coronavirus.

Those responsible admitted at a press conference on Wednesday that “The low number of workers and the logistical and distribution difficulties”, is causing difficulties in delivering basic supplies to the population.

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The statements came after complaints on social networks from inhabitants of the city of 13 million people complaining of lack of food and asking for help.

The national health authorities have instituted new measures to combat the new outbreak of covid-19, the worst in China in recent months.

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Beijing has followed a strict ‘zero covid’ strategy that includes border restrictions and localized quarantines.

The people of Xi’an are prohibited from going outside except to test themselves, and some claim that it is no longer even possible to shop online.

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Residents complain that they are not allowed to go out even if they have run out of food at home.

“How we live? How do we eat? ”, wrote a user on Weibo, the Chinese Twitter.

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These days, authorities detained at least seven people in the city for attempting to bypass quarantine, disturbing order and spreading rumorslocal media said.

The city has registered more than 960 new cases since December 9. Although the increase in China is low compared to the rampant cases in Europe and the United States, Beijing wants to avoid any uncontrolled spread of the virus, especially when there is little more than a month until the country receives thousands of foreign visitors for the Winter Olympics.


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