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Argentina registers for the first time more than 50,000 new cases of coronavirus in one day

Argentina registers for the first time more than 50,000 new cases of coronavirus in one day

Argentina registers for the first time more than 50,000 new cases of coronavirus in one day

For the first time since the pandemic began COVID-19, Argentina registered this Thursday more than 50,000 new positives in a single day, amid the strong rise in cases that has been registered in recent weeks.

The latest epidemiological information bulletin issued by the Ministry of Health confirms 50,506 new cases in the last 24 hours, which brings to 5,606,745 the total number of people who have suffered the disease in Argentina so far, of which 195,070 continue to transit it .

This situation occurs in coincidence with the departure operation of thousands of people who start their summer vacations and are traveling through the country, where except for the province of Córdoba (center) – which prohibited mass events and mass events until January 4. dance venues – generally there are hardly any restrictions.

Already this Wednesday the previous historical mark of 41,080 infections that had been registered on May 27, when the peak of the second wave of covid-19 in Argentina.

Likewise, 35 people died from the virus in the last day – well below the record of 792 daily deaths registered on June 22 – and there are already 117,146 fatalities left by the virus in the country.

The report also indicates that in the last day 164,180 tests were carried out throughout the national territory to detect the disease.

Currently, 1,004 people with covid-19 They are hospitalized in intensive care units: the occupancy level of this type of unit is at 35% of its capacity.


Since a year ago the first batches of vaccines arrived, in Argentina, with about 45 million inhabitants, 38,127,953 people have started their vaccination scheme, and 32,712,524 have completed it, while 2,496,659 have an additional dose and 2,784,595 booster doses.

After months of favorable epidemiological situation, in October the Argentine government relaxed most of the sanitary restrictions in force until then, including the total opening of the borders.

However, the cases began to rise again since November and at a dizzying rate in recent weeks.

The Minister of Health argentina, Carla Vizzotti, said this Wednesday at a press conference that the country “it’s beginning” to go through his third wave of contagions of covid-19, with a strong increase in cases but not in the number of people admitted to hospitals thanks to the advance in vaccination.

Vizzotti argued that the omicron variant has a “transmissibility”Very high but “A minor lethality.”

“We are seeing an exponential increase in the number of cases, especially in some jurisdictions with the circulation of the omicron variant, but at the moment we do not have a translation of this increase in the number of cases into an increase in intensive care and hospital admissions. mortality ”, assured the minister.


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