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Guayaquil reports “accelerated rise” in coronavirus cases due to social gatherings and visits to spas

Guayaquil reports “accelerated rise” in coronavirus cases due to social gatherings and visits to spas

Guayaquil reports “accelerated rise” in coronavirus cases due to social gatherings and visits to spas

The authorities of the Ecuadorian city of Guayaquil warned this Monday of an “accelerated rise” in cases of coronavirus covid-19, with more than 1,700 in the last week of 2021, which is why they urged private companies to prioritize teleworking.

According to the information offered by the Emergency Operations Committee (COE) of that city, deaths from covid-19 went from 3 to 5.1 a day and the infection rate has been 5.7 per 10,000 inhabitants, when just 10 weeks ago it was 0.1.

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The director of the local COE Board of Health, Carlos Farhat, warned that infections occur mainly in social and work meetings, work environments and visits to spas.

At an appearance after the Christmas period, Farhat explained that the incidence of confirmed cases rose from 4.8 to 5.7 per 10,000 inhabitants in a single week.

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“Of all the swabs that have been carried out in recent days at municipal points, 25% are positive”, precise.

Therefore, the municipal authorities They have recommended to the private sector to limit the capacity in jobs to 50%, after a similar measure adopted by the National COE that imposes the same restriction on the public sector.

Guayaquil was the epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic in Ecuador between March and May 2020, but since then it has managed to stabilize the situation, although the current level of contagion is the highest in the last year.

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Its last peak had been between April and May with a maximum positivity of 3.8 per 10,000 inhabitants.

The Mayor’s Office had declared Alert 2 since December 27, but the authorities indicated today that “If civil disobedience continues,” alert 3 will be imposed, with more restrictive measures since “the issue is quite serious”, according to the official.

In that city, there are currently 52 patients in intensive care and 103 in general hospitalization due to the virus, moderate amounts that are marked by the massive vaccination in the country.

As of the end of 2021, 83.72% of the population of the main port had received at least one dose of the vaccine against the covid-19, while 75.66% already had the complete scheme.

The increase in cases occurs throughout the country as a result of recent local festivals and Christmas, which have caused infections to have almost tripled in December, up to more than 21,000, compared to the average for October and November.

Allan Hacay, secretary of the local COE and municipal director of Risks, announced in the same appearance that they will request support from the Ministries of Health and Education to “expand the vaccination program to other types of respiratory diseases” that attack the population at this time .

In addition, he said that in the next two weeks they will have the results of the infections caused in the December festivities and regretted that there were groups of people and “families who have moved to neighboring beaches and cantons without using biosecurity measures.”

Ecuador already reports more than 552,000 cases of covid-19 during the pandemic and exceeds 33,000 deaths, including confirmed and “probable” deaths.


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