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91% of Cubans are already fully immunized against the coronavirus

91% of Cubans are already fully immunized against the coronavirus

91% of Cubans are already fully immunized against the coronavirus

91.6% of the population cuban you have already received the complete vaccination schedule against covid-19, reported this Monday the Ministry of Public Health (Minsap).

The national director of Epidemiology, Francisco Durán, explained in his usual Monday press conference that 9.673 million Cubans – out of a population of 11.2 million – have already received the three-dose schedule of one of the three vaccines against the national bill coronavirus.

According to the website, which collects official data from all nations, Cuba It is the second country of more than one million inhabitants with the highest proportion of fully immunized inhabitants, behind only the United Arab Emirates.

The Minsap added that 10.45 million people in Cuba have received at least one dose, representing 98.9% of the island’s population. This figure includes those who became ill and after two months received a single booster dose, following what was stipulated by the health authorities.

In addition, about 2.2 million people have already received a booster dose since this extra dose was injected into the population in November.

In total, 30,888,612 doses of the vaccines Abdala, Soberana 02 and Soberana Plus have been injected in the country.

Durán recalled that Cuba has launched a massive vaccination campaign that has included minors from two years of age. 95.1% of Cubans between the ages of 2 and 18 have already received the complete scheme, he indicated.

Abdala, Soberana 02 and Soberana Plus have an effectiveness rate higher than 90% according to their manufacturers, two state laboratories. These data have not been verified by independent experts.

Cuba It is now seeking the approval of the World Health Organization (WHO) for its vaccines.


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