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Bolivians go to get vaccinated against the coronavirus due to new requirement of the card

Bolivians go to get vaccinated against the coronavirus due to new requirement of the card

Bolivians go to get vaccinated against the coronavirus due to new requirement of the card

Bolivia reports an increase in daily vaccination due to the requirement since January 1 of the card that certifies immunization, which is a requirement for carrying out procedures and entering public or private sites.

The Minister of Health, Jeyson Auza, said this Monday that this demand is an action that “It does not oblige vaccination, but tries to encourage vaccination coverage” and before it “People have started to flock”To health centers.

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In the last week of 2021 and in the middle of the fourth wave, the daily records exceeded 47,065 doses applied when those figures were much lower before the requirement of the vaccination card.

For example, on December 28, 29 and 30, the daily reports of new infections were exceeded after the more than 3,800 that were reached during the third wave last July, when 76,861, 49,084 and 74,294 people were immunized, respectively. .

However, last Saturday January 1 and this Sunday there was a decrease in the figures with 1,962 and 6,905 doses applied that contrast with those of last Friday 31 when 69,361 immunizations were reported, mainly for the New Year holidays.

Auza remarked that the previous week there was “the highest amount (of infections) that has occurred in the history of the pandemic” and that despite the rigor of the fourth escalation, the fatality rate has been contained, which is 0 , 8%.

This Monday, extensive lines were seen at several of the vaccination points in several of the main cities of Bolivia, such as La Paz, Cochabamba and Santa Cruz, the latter the largest in the country and the most affected by new infections of the disease. .

In Santa Cruz, vaccination has not had a rebound as in other regions of the country since on December 31, for example, 15,310 immunizations were registered between first, second and third components before the start of the vaccination card controls.

In addition, Santa Cruz presents “several casualties” by personnel who were infected with covid-19 mainly in third-level health facilities, which are the most complete hospitals, something that reaches around half of the administrative and medical staff, according to local authorities.

Vaccination in Bolivia is not mandatory, so those who decide not to be immunized have the alternative of presenting a PCR test, no longer than 48 hours, to carry out activities in which it is necessary to certify that the virus is not carried.

However, the measure has aroused the protest of some religious and social groups that have seen in the provision to demand the card a way to force vaccination for which they have announced legal measures.

With the vaccination process that began gradually a year ago, more than 9.8 million vaccines have been administered between first, second and third doses, in addition to single immunizations to those over 5 years of age.

Bolivia accumulates 19,733 deaths and 614,941 confirmed cases since the arrival of the pandemic in March 2020, while 62,668 are active cases.

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