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They find a Peruvian dead at a border crossing between Chile and Bolivia

They find a Peruvian dead at a border crossing between Chile and Bolivia

They find a Peruvian dead at a border crossing between Chile and Bolivia

The discovery of the body of a 65-year-old Peruvian near a border crossing not enabled in the commune of Colchane, on the border between Chile Y Bolivia, the authorities confirmed. With this case, the death toll in the area rises to 21 people since last year.

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A migrant would have found the remains of the man during the afternoon of Thursday in the border town of Pisiga Carpa, later notifying the police forces and military patrols of the place, according to the first local press reports.

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We received a call from Carabineros (Militarized Police) and immediately went to the scene of the event, verifying that it was a 65-year-old male with no vital signs.”, said the doctor of the Colchane municipal medical service, Guillermo Tapia Barrera.

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Given these facts, the Chilean Ministry of the Interior indicated that it is a Peruvian citizen who already resided in the country, not a foreigner who was entering the national territory through irregular steps.

It is a different profile from that of migrants who die crossing Chile for the first time. According to the antecedents, there would be no intervention of third parties, but the investigation will have to reveal what the causes of death were”, affirmed the head of the portfolio, Rodrigo Delgado.

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Since February of last year, the area of ​​Colchane and Pisiga Carpa, located in the Chilean highlands, has been the epicenter of a migration crisis that has worsened over the months and that to date has hundreds of undocumented people settled in spaces public of several northern cities.

Immigrants, who live in precarious conditions, have also suffered xenophobic attacks by violent groups, such as the one that took place in September 2021 when they burned the tents and personal belongings of a group of Venezuelans after a march “anti-migration”.

According to the Immigration and Migration Department, there are 1.4 million migrants in Chile, which is equivalent to more than 7% of the population, and Venezuelans are the most numerous, followed by Peruvians, Haitians and Colombians.

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