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Israel registers more than 71,500 coronavirus cases in one day, its highest record of the entire pandemic

Israel registered on Tuesday 71,593 new positives of coronavirus covid-19, another daily record of cases throughout the pandemic, when the country faces a new peak of infections due to the omicron variant.

The director general of the Ministry of Health, Nachman Ash, confirmed today the new record of infections, which include 526 hospitalized patients in serious condition, an increase from 498 the previous day.

LOOK: Fourth dose of the vaccine has little effect against omicron, according to Israeli study

Despite being in the fifth wave of the pandemic, Israel has relaxed the harsh restrictions imposed in December to stop the arrival of omicron and since last week it has reopened its borders to vaccinated foreign visitors and has reduced the quarantine by covid-19 to five days.

Some experts have stated that, due to the high spread of omicron, the best solution to overcome the new wave is that these massive infections allow herd immunity, since the variant generally causes mild symptoms and serious cases of disease are a minority. , mainly in the non-immunized population.

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In addition, Health officials value eliminating isolation for children who were exposed to a covid-19 patient but are asymptomatic, in order to resume normality in schools.

Due to that requirement, thousands of children across the country are currently in isolation for having been in contact with someone positive, which keeps entire classes confined.

Despite its rapid vaccination campaign, which already includes a fourth dose for those over 60 years of age, immunosuppressed and health workers, the inoculation of children is not progressing smoothly in Israel, and only 24% of the population between 5 and 11 years of age have at least one dose of the vaccine and 12% both.

“We estimate that we are approaching the peak of morbidity in the next few days and it will happen this week if not now,” Eran Segal, a computational biologist at the Weizmann Institute of Science and a top adviser to the coronavirus cabinet, told Army Radio today. , the official station of the Army.

To better control this new outbreak, the Israeli government yesterday announced the free distribution of up to 30 million antigen tests to citizens, especially in schools, hospitals and nursing homes.

“The government is looking for all ways to help the citizens of Israel to overcome the wave of omicron…Instead of lockdowns, we are working to find solutions in order to keep the economy running as much as possible and together overcome what worst of the wave ”, the Prime Minister, Naftali Benet, said yesterday, announcing the distribution of these free tests that will begin next week.


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