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France registers for the second consecutive day more than 400,000 new cases of COVID-19

France today registered more than 400,000 daily cases of COVID-19, for the second consecutive day after the health authorities reported 436,167 new infections.

LOOK: France registers its worst record for coronavirus infections: 464,769 cases in 24 hours

The country had exceeded 464,789 infections yesterday, Tuesday, but that figure partially reflected the unaccounted positives during the past weekend.

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The average of the last seven days far exceeds 300,000 daily cases, a record figure since the start of the pandemic that shows the high contagiousness of the omicron variant.

231 new deaths of COVID-19 patients in hospitals were also reported today, bringing the total number of deaths recorded from this cause to 127,869.

The number of hospitalized patients rose sharply by 704 in one day to 27,230.

However, those admitted to intensive care units fell slightly to 3,852 (29 fewer).

Meanwhile, the vaccination campaign continues and 32.4 million third doses have already been administered, which means that 48% of the French population has this additional protection, according to the latest data from the Ministry of Health.

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