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Are prices at the pump pushing drivers to turn to electric cars?

Are prices at the pump pushing drivers to turn to electric cars?

Are prices at the pump pushing drivers to turn to electric cars?

Wide-eyed at the pump, actions across the territory… Despite a slight drop recently, the price of fuel is panicking the meters in France, a consequence in particular of the war in Ukraine. Can this surge, which is set to last, finish convincing some people to turn to the electric car – unless this is already the case -?

There are those who are already satisfied with their purchase, or those who intend to be tempted. But others are much more hesitant about giving up thermals. 20 minutes let everyone speak.

“I will save on gas and maintenance”

The electric had already seduced more than one well before the crisis in Ukraine. Already by its practical aspect. Lionel, who responded to our call for testimonials, thus underlines “the increase in the number of chargers on the highway and the upcoming opening of Tesla superchargers”. Knowing that recharging can also be done at home: “we recharge it on our installed socket in about ten hours and once or twice a week”, explains Thomas.

But there are also, of course, financial reasons. Laurent, whose “indecent oil prices” finally decided him, appreciates having “no maintenance to do”. Julien, he bought two vehicles, one in November 2021, the other in March 2022. “The diesel budget exploded to more than 90 euros for each fill-up for 800 km, compared to barely 20 euros for the same distance in electric” , he remarks.

“The purchase price is higher than the thermal equivalent”

But the cost of an electric car is a drag for many of our readers. Hubi drives “50 kilometers a day and has home charging”, but he is still waiting for “affordable opportunities”, because “the price remains a problem”. “Electricity prices are going up,” adds Quentin. I consider it smarter to curb your fuel consumption”. Michel, meanwhile, believes that “the purchase price is higher than the thermal equivalent”, and according to Maïrik, there is no electric vehicle “below 40,000 euros”. Which is not correct.

What about state aid? Not enough, many say. This is the reason why Hugo, a student, cannot “afford to buy any”. Same observation for André: “I am part of the lower middle class and we have almost no aid in all areas that affect the energy transition”. Philippe also mentions the government, but to worry that it “starts to tax if we go electric”.

“The carbon footprint is very bad over time”

Many of our readers also wonder about the pollution generated by the manufacture of electric vehicles. “What about the extraction of rare earths, metals and elements for batteries, and coal, gas and nuclear energy used to produce electricity? raises Nabil. Mary-Anne questions the recycling of batteries: “I don’t know what happens to them once they reach the end of their life”. “The carbon footprint is very bad over time,” concludes Philippe.

As for Franck, he wonders “how the necessary electricity will be produced”. “By thermal power stations? he wonders. A.-L is indignant: “electricity is nuclear! Nuclear waste is harmful”. “And the heat loss from the power plants ends up in the atmosphere”, adds Quentin. Nabil goes on to talk about national electricity consumption. “Each winter, RTE warns us that we will be “just right in terms of electricity, but it should be fine”. What will we do when the entire car fleet is electric? “, he wonders.

“There are only 2 charging stations in my city”

On the side of autonomy, the finding is generally no more positive. While some, like Daniel, who “drives very little”, are not hampered, others, like Jacques, are slowed down for this reason alone. Apart from “to drive 10 kilometers a day with a small car”, Alain is not motivated either. Just like J.-P., who will take the plunge “when the real autonomy will be at least 800 kilometers with a fast recharge”.

Regarding the terminals, Sébastien notes difficulties, in particular because of “those out of service or occupied, with a long recharging time”. Michel, meanwhile, deplores having “only 2 charging stations” in his city, and Erik “not enough stations on the roads”. Complicated when “you live in an apartment and you don’t have a parking space or an outside socket”, according to Bernard. But when the problem does not come from the place of residence, it is financial. At home, Julien mentions the installation of “a reinforced socket on his electricity meter or a charging box”. A “very expensive” investment.

Source: 20minutes

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