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Dollar closes higher at S / 3.97 amid a gloomy global economic outlook

Dollar closes higher at S / 3.97 amid a gloomy global economic outlook

Dollar closes higher at S / 3.97 amid a gloomy global economic outlook

The dollar price American in Peru closed higher on Tuesday, amid a gloomy outlook for the global economy following a negative report released by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which dampened investors’ appetite for risky assets.

The exchange rate ended at S/3.975 per dollar, a rise of 0.25% compared to Monday’s close of S/3.965, according to the Central Reserve Bank of Peru (BCR).

So far this year, the greenback accumulates a decline of 0.40% compared to the last price of 2021 at S / 3,991.

Today US$366 million were traded on the market at an average price of S/3.9709, said Asvim Asencios, Foreign Exchange trader for Renta4 SAB.

“During the day, the demand came from non-residents, while the offer came from the intervention of the BCR by placing a currency swap sale for S/740 million for six months″he pointed.

He added that this Tuesday there were exchange swap maturities for S / 500 million.

In the parallel market or the main exchange houses, the dollar is bought at S / 3.95 and sold at S / 3.98, according to data from the portal how much is the

Globally, gold prices fall due to the strength of the dollar and the increase in the yield of Treasury bonds, while the US inflation data is expected for Thursday. Among metals, silver fell 1.6% and platinum 1.1%. In addition, the IMF warned on Tuesday of rising risks to global financial stability, raising the possibility of disorderly turmoil, noting that emerging markets and real estate are particularly vulnerable.

The agency said that “storm clouds” are hanging over the global economy, including persistent inflation, a slowdown in China and the constant tension over the war in Ukraine, which have increased the risk of a severe recession to levels not seen since. the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. “The global environment is fragile with storm clouds on the horizon”the report stated.

Source: Elcomercio

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