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Generic, similar and commercial: how these types of drugs are different

Generic, similar and commercial: how these types of drugs are different

Generic, similar and commercial: how these types of drugs are different

There are three types of medicines: commercial, similar and genericbut not all of us know what their differences are and we can even think that some of them may not be as beneficial for the Health.

As part of the National Drug Policy, affordable prices for generic drugs are promoted, developing accessibility mechanisms for patients. Once the commercial drug has already lost its patent, the other laboratories can manufacture the drugs as generics, at an affordable price, depending on their manufacture”, commented Jesús Trejo, pharmaceutical chemist at the Carrión Institute.

Differences and benefits of each type of medication:

For this reason, the specialist helps us to know what the differences and benefits of each type of medication are:

  • Commercial drug: When a drug (active ingredient) is created for the first time, as a result of research by the laboratory that developed it, it is called innovative, also called commercial. This is usually protected by a patent, which will last for at least 20 years, and must comply with quality, efficacy and safety, according to international standards.
  • Generic drug: They are those drugs that have the same active ingredient, route of administration, concentration, pharmaceutical form and therapeutic form as the commercial drug and are manufactured when the patent of the commercial drug has expired, it can normally be marketed at a fair price.
  • Similar drug: They are those drugs that have the same route of administration, concentration, pharmaceutical form and therapeutic form as the commercial drug, but which are manufactured under a different trade name (brand) from that of the innovator.

Are generic drugs good or bad?

Both commercial and generic drugs are very good, it is not that one is better than the other. The two share the same active ingredient and therapeutic effect, but they differ in some of their characteristics such as color, flavor, and other organoleptic and physicochemical characteristics, such as the coating of a coating, among other properties that can change their bioavailability (quantity and speed with which an active ingredient reaches the systemic circulation, and is available at its site of action). for each patient”, commented the specialist.

Although all the options are good, there is the idea that generic drugs are of lower quality compared to commercial ones, however, according to Trejo, this is mainly due to a mistaken perception of people, because while the generic is standard priced, brand name can cost several times as much.

The use of generic and commercial medications must always be supervised by the family doctor, who will provide all the information for the proper use of these types of medications.”, added the pharmaceutical chemist.

Jesús Trejo added that one of the disadvantages is that not all commercial drugs have generic bioequivalent drugs, because their patent is still protected, so their price will be much higher and, in some cases, with limited access.

Source: Elcomercio

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