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Has consumption increased by 5% in restaurants since the device came into effect?

Has consumption increased by 5% in restaurants since the device came into effect?

Has consumption increased by 5% in restaurants since the device came into effect?

Bruno Le Maire expected his interview on the Télématin plateau, Monday, August 23, to have such a resonance on social networks? A sentence uttered by the Minister of the Economy during this interview is relayed by many Internet users who see it as clear proof of bad faith.

“Lying is no longer an exception, it has become THE STANDARD! “,” Bruno Le Maire against the rest of the world. Reality has absolutely no hold on these people… ”, rise up for example two publications among many others.

In question ? A figure put forward by the Minister on the frequentation of restaurants since the sanitary pass is required there: “Even if there are obviously geographic disparities, consumption in restaurants increased by 5% between August 9 and 15. “

A figure considered improbable on social networks, several Internet users having not failed, in reaction, to relay local press articles relaying the drop in attendance of around 40% observed in some establishments since the extension of the health pass at bars and restaurants on August 9.


In the full extract of his speech, a few seconds before evoking “consumption” up “5%”, Bruno Le Maire specified what this percentage referred to: “We had the first consumption figures. [en France] the first 15 days of August. Plus 15%. Including in restaurants: credit card bills increased by 5% in the week of August 9 to 15. “

Contacted by 20 Minutes, the office of the Minister of the Economy specifies that this “increase in credit card bills in restaurants is compared to the same week in 2019”.

The increase in the use of this means of payment therefore does not constitute an increase in consumption in restaurants by 5%, as Bruno Le Maire mistakenly summed up a few seconds later.

“An increase to be territorialized”

Joined by 20 Minutes, Stéphane Manigold, spokesperson for the Restons ouvert collective, bringing together the catering professions, specifies: “Bruno Le Maire is advancing an average on the increase in the number of bank card payments, but this increase needs to be localized. This year, French tourists are massively present at the sea and in the mountains, their turnover has increased without comparison with that of 2019. “

“Knowing that foreign tourists pay mainly in cash and French tourists rather by credit card, the absence of the former and the massive presence of the latter this summer means that we are logically witnessing an increase in card payments”, adds the restaurant owner. , while noting that many restaurants have “remained open for lack of cash at a time when they would normally be closed”.

“The drop in attendance is a certainty”

But as recognized a few days ago from our colleagues in Figaro Laurent Fréchet, president of the national branch of restaurateurs within the National Group of Independent Hotels and Restaurants (GNI-HCR), “the drop in attendance is a certainty” and the health pass “a brake on a season that seemed to hold its promises ”.

Failing to be able to precisely quantify the impact of this measure on the frequentation of restaurants at this stage, the consequences of the health pass therefore differ greatly according to the territories, the “geographical disparities” mentioned by Bruno Le Maire being in particular a reference, according to his cabinet. , “In Paris which has few foreign tourists”.


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