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Justice refuses to restore curfew in Catalonia

Justice refuses to restore curfew in Catalonia

Justice refuses to restore curfew in Catalonia

Spanish justice rejected Monday the request of the Catalan regional government to restore a curfew in Barcelona and in several dozen other cities of Catalonia (north-eastern Spain), judging the measure “even more unnecessary and disproportionate” in the face of improving the epidemiological situation. This decision of the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia (TSJC) confirms the one it took last Thursday, when it authorized the maintenance of the curfew between 1 a.m. and 6 a.m. in only 19 of the 148 municipalities on the submitted list by the Catalan executive.

After this first refusal, which had led to the lifting of the curfew in force since mid-July in Barcelona and in a large part of this tourist region of 7.8 million inhabitants, the authorities had formulated a new request for that the measure be brought back into force in the most populous municipalities, starting with Barcelona and its metropolitan area and tourist centers such as Lloret de Mar, Salou and Cambrils. The curfew would then have been reinstated in a total of 62 towns.

Figures not so alarming?

But the new argumentation of the Catalan executive has even less convinced the justice. “According to its own premises, the curfew would be even more unnecessary and disproportionate” for these municipalities, says the TSJC, which accuses the Catalan government of not having presented updated data on the situation with regard to Covid-19 in its demand.

According to the latest figures from the Catalan health authority, the cumulative incidence over seven days in Barcelona has fallen to 98.66 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, which is even below the threshold set by the authorities to request the return of the cover -fire in the most populated cities (125 cases per 100,000 inhabitants). With a cumulative incidence rate of 302 cases per 100.00 inhabitants over the last 14 days (the national measurement criterion), Catalonia is now even below the Spanish average (345 according to figures published last Friday by the Ministry of Health).


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