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Work-study: which sectors will have the most hiring in 2023

Work-study: which sectors will have the most hiring in 2023

Work-study: which sectors will have the most hiring in 2023

Traditional contract providers are large groups (EDF, Société Générale, Engie, MAAF, Total Energies, SNCF, Carrefour, etc., to name but a few) and the public service. But in smaller companies, apprenticeships have come a long way; today 77% of contracts are in SMEs or VSEs.

From the side of the sector retail this year will continue to give pride of place to working students. Thus, retail trade as a whole makes up 12.4% of the total number of offers, just behind business services and before building (Public Works Building), according to data collected by skill operators (Opco). L’hotel and foodI’industry in general, and all positions related to digital transformation were not left without attention. So one piece of advice: don’t limit yourself in your research!

Lack of youth

“In L’agro-food“We are getting more offers than candidates,” says Sébastien Laurent-Charvet, director of education and training for the UniLaSalle group, which offers education in the geosciences, life and life sciences. “Environment. Sectors health and some agricultural production change at high speed. They have great projects that they entrust to working students and seek to seduce them,” he emphasizes.

L’real estate also very demanding. “The tension in our professions is so great that we are very attentive to all applications,” says Patrice Vallee, director of Crédit Agricole Immobilier. He relies in part on trust and word of mouth to achieve his recruiting goals: “We often turn to our work and study interns to recruit their comrades,” he admits.

Department of Social and Solidarity Economy

Don’t Forget About Associations and Companiessocial and solidarity economy (ESS). This “area works hard through work and study,” confirms Camilla Gallio, an Iscod (100% online business school) student who works for MyTroc, a platform where users exchange and lend goods and services.

“The goal is to promote an alternative consumption model,” the young man explains. In this type of structure, the student can be entrusted with large-scale projects. For example, it is working on implementing a dedicated tool for SNCF “so that thousands of its agents can communicate with each other.” It should be added that the same company annually recruits more than 7,000 students.

Source: Le Parisien

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