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VIDEO.  Pension reform: “The government has fun by setting the country on fire”

VIDEO. Pension reform: “The government has fun by setting the country on fire”

VIDEO.  Pension reform: “The government has fun by setting the country on fire”

“By assigning us 49.3 points, the government is playing with fire. He likes to set the country on fire! He will say that it is the responsibility of those who are on the street, but no, it is his,” irritates Bruno, PCF and Snap-CGT activist. On Saturday afternoon, about 4,000 people gathered in Paris in front of the Italy 2 shopping center, Place d’Italie (13th) at the call of several unions, two days after the government announced the 49.3 pension reform.

Like Bruno, many Parisians and residents of the Île-de-France came to express their anger or concern. This is the case of Benoist, a young math teacher who says he “no longer feels like he has a place in a country that (he) no longer recognizes.” “They don’t listen to us, the people don’t listen,” the teacher laments.

For Louise, a Frenchwoman who has been living in Belgium for several years, it was important to participate in this gathering. “I am disgusted that the government is carrying out a reform that is not needed by the people. With great contempt for people… With all the strikes in the country, it is extremely unpleasant that they are not listened to, ”the girl explains. Patricia, a management professor at the university, says “they don’t care about us. We must occupy as much public space as possible! “, she assures.

Police have made 71 arrests in Paris on the sidelines of this excess-marked demonstration, a police source said.

Source: Le Parisien

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