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Cardinals: the chameleon band turns 35 and celebrates it in concert

Cardinals: the chameleon band turns 35 and celebrates it in concert

Cardinals: the chameleon band turns 35 and celebrates it in concert

Cardenales is like a good wine: the older, the better. the band of peruvian rock which began its history in 1987 remains current with seven musical productions and two albums on the way. His versatility and commitment to the public promises an unforgettable night this Saturday March 18 at the Iwanna Rock Bar in Lince.

The current formation of the band includes Cesar Príncipe (vocals), Lucho Taype (lead guitar), Gustavo Mego (bass), Enrique Diaz (second guitar), Juan López (keyboard) and Pedro Contreras (drums). All members who were integrating over the years and who seem to be the last configuration of the group. “There are many bands that are diluted by little empathy, at 35 we have seen good musicians come and go, now in this new formation we feel like family” comments Lucho Taype, guitarist and second oldest member.

His style, like some members of the band, changed over time. From gothic to post punk and various pop rock themes, Cardenales does not copy himself. Although it is undeniable that genres like the new wave, characterized by clear sounds, melodic voices and the use of synthesizers, is a constant in his discography.

Another peculiarity is his preference for the decentralization of music. “We have always been a traveling band, in the province the doors are always open to go play” mentions the Taype. This taste for leaving Lima is reflected in the video clip of “Sometimes I would like to sleep and never wake up” recorded in La Oroya, and soon in the songs “Nublado” and “Huracán” that will also have their own videos recorded in Vilcashuamán and the Ica dunes respectively.

An essential element for the band is the performance in their shows, since Cardenales proposes something more than music. “When you go on stage, you leave the real and go to an ideal orbit in which, through the performance, you develop the communication you want to show. The public not only sees people playing, but a fantasy”, comments the vocalist César Príncipe, the oldest member of the group, who is a psychologist by training and an artist by tradition.

The same Cardinals member told Trade that they are preparing an EP with 6 new songs and that will have the participation of a national guest who finds an affinity with the style that Cardenales defines as chameleonic. Before the release of this new production, the band will release a compilation album called “Huracán” that will include some unpublished songs.

In celebration of his 35 years of artistic career, Cardenales will review all his musical successes with a unique staging that will feature the band Rawa as a guest this Saturday, March 18 at the Iwanna Rock Bar in Lince.

Source: Elcomercio

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