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Pensions: 64 year olds?  Born’s trade union meeting is not on the menu, Bayrou and Riester say.

Pensions: 64 year olds? Born’s trade union meeting is not on the menu, Bayrou and Riester say.

Pensions: 64 year olds?  Born’s trade union meeting is not on the menu, Bayrou and Riester say.

The CFDT boss doesn’t think 64 is not mentioned during a meeting proposed by Elizabeth Bourne on the evening of a new national mobilization against pension reform on Tuesday, March 28. “We are going to talk about 64 years,” Laurent Bergé asked this Wednesday morning on the Franceinfo website. “I will explain why this reform is unfair and why we must find a way out,” he predicts. And if there is no opportunity to discuss the topic at the meeting, “then we leave.”

Is this the scenario that is brewing for this meeting? We may be wary of this after remarks made this Thursday also by Parliamentary Relations Minister Francois Riester and MoDem President François Bayrou. Raising the statutory retirement age to 64 will not be on the menu of a scheduled meeting between Prime Minister Elizabeth Bourne and the union, they warned together.

“It’s all done and done”

Delaying the age from 62 to 64, “is the essence of the reform, on which there is no agreement from the outset,” Riester told the Public Senate. “There are times in life, you have to know how to recognize that there are also topics (on which) we disagree,” he added, wanting the exchange to be organized around “those on which we agree.” .

“The 64 years are in the text,” François Bairou added on France 2, “we can’t change the line at the moment.” But for him “there is a lot to discuss” if he “listens carefully to what Laurent Bergé, general secretary of the CFDT, France’s first trade union, has said.

The High Commissioner for Planning, an ally of Emmanuel Macron, recalled that “the government has said that no one will work over the age of 43 to have full pension rights, so you can see that the positions are not that far apart actually . “. “The situation we are in is unbearable, immoral, scandalous, (…): we pay pensions (retirement) with debts,” he assured, estimating the share of the corresponding pensions at 20-25%.

Trade unions, united for more than two months against pension reform and lowering the retirement age to 64, called on Tuesday for a new day of national mobilization, Thursday, April 6.

Source: Le Parisien

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