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Price of the dollar today in Peru: Check the exchange rate this June 4 according to BCRP

Price of the dollar today in Peru: Check the exchange rate this June 4 according to BCRP

Price of the dollar today in Peru: Check the exchange rate this June 4 according to BCRP

Know in this note the price of the dollar in Peru for today, Sunday June 4, 2023, according to the information provided by the Central Reserve Bank of Peru (BCR).

On its last day, the US currency closed with a value of S/3.6980according to the issuing entity.

According to the BCRP, the interbank exchange rate had an average value of S/3.6790, with a minimum of S/3.6600 and a maximum of S/3.7000.

On Wednesday, May 31, the US currency closed with a value of S/3.6710as announced by said institution.

How much is the dollar today in Lima?

According to the latest BCRP report, the exchange rate for TODAY, Sunday June 4 was registered in S/. 3,688. On the other hand, according to Google Finance the price is in S/. 3.6989.

It should be noted that in terms of exchange portals, the website, registers an exchange rate between 3.67 and 3.695 in purchase and sale respectively.

Likewise, today’s exchange rate for Sunat is S/. 3,682 in purchase and S/. 3,688 for sale according to reports.

This is the table released by the BCRP regarding the price of the dollar in Peru:

What happened last week with the price of the dollar?

Allisson Pérez, currency trader at Renta4 SAB, explained that the market was very volatile and the demand came from the offshore, while the offer by non-residents. Likewise, US$ 334 million was negotiated in the market at an average price of S/ 3.6945.

Meanwhile, globally, the dollar opened higher due to positive data from the United States. “Expectations are growing that the United States will not be able to pass the debt ceiling, since until today they have not reached an agreement, considering that the deadline is June 1, from that date the United States could run out of funds”Perez said.

On the other hand, the rating agency Fitch threatens to lower the rating of the northern country that it currently has at “AAA”, since there is no progress on the debt ceiling negotiations.

Source: Elcomercio

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