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Wall Street closes in red and the Dow Jones falls 0.57%

Wall Street closes in red and the Dow Jones falls 0.57%

Wall Street closes in red and the Dow Jones falls 0.57%

Wall Street closed this Wednesday with its indicators in red and the main one, the Dow Jones Industrials, fell 0.57%, after the data on the United States trade deficit was released today and given the growing fears of a new rise in rates of interest.

At the end of operations on the New York Stock Exchange, the Dow Jones fell to 34,444 points while the selective S&P 500 lost 0.70%, to 4,465 integers.

The Nasdaq composite market index, which groups technology companies, was the most affected today, falling 1.06%, to 13,872 units.

Thus, the three main indicators are down today, for the second consecutive day and in the same wake observed in the European stock markets and some of the Asian ones.

If yesterday the stock market fell due to the news of the production cuts announced by oil powers such as Saudi Arabia and Russia, today the negative news came from the domestic front, when the figures for the trade deficit were known, which in July rose to 2% ( compared to the fall of 4.1 in June).

By sectors, pessimism reigned and almost all registered losses, especially technology (-1.97%) and non-essential goods (-0.07%); Only public services (0.2%) and energy (0.14%) were saved from red.

Among the 30 listed companies in the Dow Jones, the fall of Apple (-3.58%) was striking, when its problems in China were known, where it has almost 20% of its market, as well as that of Boeing (-2.07% ) and Amgen (-1.97%); in green closed Salesforce (1.34%) and Dow (1.29%).

In other markets, Texas oil rose to $87.54 a barrel, the 10-year bond rose to 4.298%, gold fell to $1,942 an ounce and the dollar lost ground against the euro, with a change of 1. 0724.

Source: Elcomercio

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