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Maas: the Eville stone from which Paris was built, purchased by a Canadian company.

She made Paris shine – the Opéra Garnier, Pont Alexandre III and the Grand Palais – as well as other major capitals of the world such as Brussels. It can also be found near Place Stanislas in Nancy (Meurthe-et-Moselle). The stone of Eville, a town on the Meuse near Commercy, changes hands. The Canadian Polycor group, world leader in the production of natural stone, has just bought the French company Rocamat (about thirty quarries, 160 employees), which until now operated it.

In the Lorraine village, the information did not go unnoticed, although it was received with fatalism. “In any case, the quarries are the property of the municipality. Yesterday Rocamat, tomorrow Polycor pay us in exchange for permission to develop these quarries,” recalls Mayor Alain Ferioli. The quarries are located just 2 km from the outskirts of the village, and Evil stone, with its whiteness, fine grain and durability, is ubiquitous in the village.

From the town hall to the church, through the premises of rural houses, “this is part of our history,” says the mayor. “We signed an agreement with the operator for a minimum production of 1,500 m3 per year. This is nothing compared to the past: during the restoration of Paris after the war of 1870, production reached 160 thousand m3 per year,” says a member of the city council.

Individuals now regularly contact the mayor’s office. “Some people want to redo the steps of the stairs or renovate the terraces,” smiles Mr. Ferioli. We provide company contact information. » We will soon learn about the intentions of the Canadian Polycor.

Source: Le Parisien

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