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In Ile-de-France, the regional health agency is co-financing 2,000 housing solutions for caregivers.

Assistance publique-Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) is not the only institution wanting to stage a “housing shock” to attract staff. The Regional Health Agency (ARS) of Ile-de-France tells us that “to date, 2,000 housing solutions for caregivers have already been co-financed to the tune of €75 million.”

The decision to make this investment was made during the Ségur de la santé, a major development plan for the hospital launched in 2020 during the Covid-19 crisis. The ARS clarifies that this financial support could take the form of “social or intermediate housing reservation rights, assistance to access shared housing, temporary tenancy rental subsidies…”

In Seine-Saint-Denis, the public health institution Ville-Evrard, specializing in mental health, is one of the beneficiaries. The hospital, which manages more than 100 care structures across the department, has “about a hundred unfilled nursing vacancies” out of a total workforce of 700, says human resources director Gael Zantman.

“If it pays off, we will strengthen the system”

“Our difficulties are compounded by the specifics of the territory,” she continues. Seine-Saint-Denis is not very attractive, and it is especially difficult for us to fill positions in the north of the department. We have very few candidates. In 2022, a third of professionals hired in January left their positions by December. »

From now on, all resigning employees participate in an interview “to understand what motivates them” to leave their position. And the distance from home or the sometimes exorbitant rents charged in Ile-de-France influence the decisions of some.

Therefore, as part of a call for expressions of interest, Ville-Evrard has just reserved fifteen places dedicated to employees working under pressure, mainly in the northern areas of Paris. For this the institution paid “one million euros with a 50 percent subsidy from ARS.” “We will sum up the results in eighteen months and, if they justify themselves, we will strengthen the system,” promises Gael Zantman.

Source: Le Parisien

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