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Claudio Pizarro on the absence of players in Europe: “In Peru there is a lot of talent, but that is no longer enough” | VIDEO

Without a doubt, at the club level, Claudio Pizarro is one of the greatest exponents of Peruvian success in elite football. Although his time with the Peruvian team is not well remembered, he remains an authoritative voice on sports issues.

This Monday, October 16, on the eve of the Peru vs. Argentina for date 4 of the Qualifiers, ‘Pizarrinha’ appeared on the program ‘Al Ángulo’ to give an interview without half measures.

In the middle of the talk he was asked about the reasons why national players are not able to reach Europe or stay in elite football.

“In Peru there are players with a lot of talent, but that is no longer enough. In previous times, I saw impressive players, but they arrived abroad and did not stay there due to circumstances that no one understood,” he responded.

He then clarified that mentality is a vital part of a football career.

Source: Elcomercio

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