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European stock markets open with losses affected by profit-taking

European stock markets open with losses affected by profit-taking

European stock markets open with losses affected by profit-taking

The main European stock markets opened this Thursday with generalized losses, in a day in which it seems that they are going to take a break after the strong increases of the last month, and waiting to know the GDP of the eurozone, and the new requests for unemployment benefit in the US

At the opening, Madrid leaves 0.39%; London, 0.37%; Frankfurt, 0.25%; Paris, 0.15%, and Milan, 0.05%.

The Eurostoxx 50 index, which groups together the main companies in Europe, fell 0.20%.

The European stock markets are opting to collect profits after the falls recorded on Wall Street and Asia, and after the day before the American ADP private employment survey for November was released which showed, according to Renta4 analysts, a moderation in the creation of new jobs.

A piece of information, prior to the official employment report that will be released tomorrow, Friday, for which, however, the market consensus expects an acceleration in job creation, and that will be relevant in view of the meeting of the US Federal Reserve. USA next week.

Previously, today, the new requests for unemployment benefits in the US will be known, and in Europe, the market will be pending the Eurogroup meeting, industrial production in Germany (fell 0.4% in October, the fifth month of declines) and the GDP of the eurozone.

The euro is trading at $1.077 today at the market opening, while the barrel of Brent, which fell sharply yesterday, rose 0.71% to $74.82.

Gold advances 0.23% to $2,030.1.

In the debt market, the German bond, considered the safest, achieves a yield of 2.21%.

Source: Elcomercio

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