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Farmers in the National Assembly: Rural Coordination announces “departures from everywhere”

Véronique Le Floch, president of the Rural Coordination, invited on Thursday on RMC/BFMTV farmers “who want to go to Paris” to “come to the National Assembly” so that MPs “can come to meet them”, while the movement of anger in the agrarian sector continues unabated.

“This is not a call for demonstrations,” stressed a representative of the second representative agricultural union in France, behind the FNSEA-Jeunes Agriculteurs alliance. She added that there was “no need to urge” farmers to come to Paris as “they are organizing everywhere to come and show their support for the 91” people arrested on Wednesday after breaking into the Rungis wholesale market. Among them, 79 people were still in custody on Thursday.

Paris police chief Laurent Nunez announced that seven blockades were still ongoing in Ile-de-France. The farmers took the A6 motorway to Chilly-Mazarin, a few kilometers from Rungis and Orly airport. They moved a few meters closer to the police armored vehicles.

A thousand farmers in Brussels

As for Emmanuel Macron, the French president was due to meet European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen in Brussels on the topic of “the future of European agriculture,” the Elysee Palace announced ahead of an extraordinary European summit dedicated to the EU. budget and assistance to Ukraine. The President of the Republic wants to take the opportunity to persuade his colleagues to make a gesture towards farmers, while thousands of them took to the streets of the Belgian capital.

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Aid provided by the French government on Wednesday, as well as concessions from the European Commission – on fallow land and Ukrainian imports – do not appear to have found favor with the professionals also mobilized in Italy, Spain and Germany. On Wednesday evening, French and Belgian farmers “together” blocked the border crossing, denouncing the “distortion of competition” ratified by free trade agreements and demanding “very strong statements.”

Demonstrators are therefore expecting action, or at least gestures, from Europe, which has great influence in agricultural matters, especially through the CAP (Common Agricultural Policy) and the Green Deal.

“We support the work done in Brussels by Emmanuel Macron this Thursday,” assured Radio Classique Christiane Lambert, President of the Committee of Professional Organizations of Agriculture of the European Union (COPA), former President of the FNSEA.

Source: Le Parisien

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