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Johanna San Miguel presents her one-woman show “Sit down, lady!”

The actress and presenter of “This is war”, Johanna San Miguel, announced his return to the stage with his new one-man show “Now sit down, lady!”, which will premiere on April 6 at the Teatro Peruano Japonés. Tickets are now available through Teleticket.

In this show, the actress will accompany her beloved character ‘Queca’ to tour the places that for the first time we will dare to face: “El Valle de los Gatos”, “El Mundo de los Tapers” and “El Bosque del Reencauche” are some of the universes you will explore.

“This is a dream I waited a long time for. This 2024 Queca finally accompanies me in a show where he will show off at his 100%. She is a character whom I love very much and I am sure that the audience is going to have a lot of fun just like me. “Laughter heals, heals and through humor we can say many things,” San Miguel said in a statement.

In addition, the one-woman comedy starring Johanna San Miguel is also an adventure where you can recognize the signs that reveal that she has become a lady.

The one-man show is produced by DEA Teatro. It should be noted that “Sit down, madam!” with Johanna San Miguel premieres this April 6, with performances every Saturday and Sunday in April, at the Teatro Peruano Japonés. Tickets are on sale at Teleticket.

Source: Elcomercio

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