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VIDEO. When CR47 farmers help gendarmes stuck in a field

This Wednesday, January 31, farmers on CR47 lent a helping hand to gendarmes whose car was stuck in the slush. The column leaving Agen and trying to reach the Rungis market with their tractors sometimes had to bypass military blockades set up on the main roads. Deciding to cross fields and reach secondary roads, a small group of farmers found themselves face to face with a gendarmerie vehicle stuck in the mud.

Not vindictive, the farmers took out a towing winch to pull them out of there. In a video circulated on social networks, we can hear one of the demonstrators mocking a crew of gendarmes. “Okay, you see, Mr. Darmanin, we are coming to your aid! “, says one of them. “Oh, how good it is for us in Lot-et-Garonne! “,” exclaims another.

Source: Le Parisien

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