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He refused to expand his factory because of standards: “When you are an industrialist, there are standards for everything.”

Inflating standards governing the daily life of business is an inexhaustible topic of discussion for Laurent Vronsky. “Get your payslip already. In the 1960s it consisted of four lines. Today it’s two pages, no one understands anything. And this is just a drop in the bucket,” attacks the CEO of the Ervor group, an air compressor manufacturer based in Argenteuil (Val d’Oise).

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There are all these basic documents – the Labor Code, the Civil Code, the Town Planning Code, which “no one should ignore.” These requests from the administration are daily: “Since January 1, I have received 17 surveys from different organizations, which I must answer with at least a third of the same questions. » With an avalanche of texts more specific to his activities. “When you’re an industrialist, there are standards for everything: the products you use, the electrical systems, the lighting, the lifting equipment… But the system that deviates the most is land use,” the leader continues.

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Source: Le Parisien

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