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Farmers: Bersi identified 124 contracts between producers and distributors that do not comply with Egalim law

Farmers: Bersi identified 124 contracts between producers and distributors that do not comply with Egalim law

Farmers: Bersi identified 124 contracts between producers and distributors that do not comply with Egalim law

Control is indeed carried out. Economy Minister Bruno Le Maire announced on Monday that he had identified 124 contracts signed between manufacturers and distributors in commercial negotiations that did not comply with the law, and had filed injunctions to force the companies concerned to comply.

Following the angry farmers’ movement, the government announced that it wants to tighten control over contracts signed as part of negotiations between distributors and manufacturers to ensure they comply with the Egalim law, which aims to protect farmers’ remuneration. . Checks have also begun on the French origin of products.

Of the “1,000 contracts signed” following commercial negotiations that ended on January 31 between “major producers” and “five major distributors,” “124 contracts do not comply with the law,” Bruno Mayor confirmed. in the show C à vous, broadcast on France 5.

“I have therefore issued injunctions to all manufacturers and all distributors” whose contracts do not comply with the requirements, the minister continued. “They have fifteen days to explain why they have not complied and comply, otherwise producers and distributors will be fined up to 5 million euros,” he threatened, promising to make their names public.

Ruthlessness towards Leclerc?

Responding to accusations by Michel-Edouard Leclerc, a representative of the industry’s leading brand E.Leclerc, who considers himself a “personal target” by a “group of deputies” from the majority, Bruno Le Maire noted that E.Leclerc is “no more or less” in the eyes of the government . “All five distributors are affected by the investigations that have been launched, and “no one will escape attention,” the government’s number two assured. Bruno Le Maire demonstrated his firmness: “Sanctions will fall on everyone who deceived.”

Regarding purchasing centers located abroad, which will allow distributors to circumvent the law, Bruno Le Maire noted that controls are already underway and recalled that “any product sold in France must comply with French law.”

Source: Le Parisien

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