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The European Union welcomes El Salvador’s commitment to democracy and looks forward to working with Bukele

The European Union welcomes El Salvador’s commitment to democracy and looks forward to working with Bukele

The European Union welcomes El Salvador’s commitment to democracy and looks forward to working with Bukele

O European Union (EU) welcomed this Monday the commitment The Savior with democracy after last Sunday’s presidential elections and hoped to work with the Salvadoran president, Nayib Bukelein “shared priorities”.

The elections held in The Savior last Sunday they were peaceful, orderly and produced a clear result. O European Union congratulates the Salvadoran people for their commitment to democracy“, said a European spokesperson in a statement.

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The EU looks forward to working on shared priorities with President Nayib Bukele and his administration” he added.

Furthermore, the Twenty-Seven stressed that they continue “committed to supporting El Salvador on its modernization path towards sustainable and inclusive economic development and consolidating improvements in security through strengthening good governance, the rule of law and social inclusion”.

Nayib Bukele Last night he proclaimed himself the winner of the Presidency with more than 85% of the votes and announced, even without official data, that his party, New ideaswill continue to dominate the legislative Assembly with 58 deputies out of a total of 60.

MORE INFORMATION: Bukele says El Salvador will be the first “democratic” country with a “single party”

Behind Bukele, the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front (FMLN, left) and the Nationalist Republican Alliance (Sand, right).

Source: Elcomercio

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