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The struggle of trade unions, the future of their president, the Olympic Games… What is behind the SNCF strike this weekend

Three round tables, urgently assembled in less than a week, will not be enough. Next weekend, SNCF holiday departures will be largely disrupted by a controllers’ strike caused by SUD Rail and CGT Cheminots from Thursday evening until Monday morning. The railway company that managed to save Christmas will publish a traffic forecast this Wednesday. If this ensures “continuity of service,” according to CEO Jean-Pierre Farandou on Tuesday morning at RTL, the disruption is expected to be significant.

SUD Rail expects “70 to 80%” strikes on certain TGV routes, particularly on the southeast axis, which serves, among other things, Alpine ski resorts. “The management failed to respond to our demands and calm the anger,” says Julien Trocas, federal secretary of SUD Rail.

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Source: Le Parisien

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