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Back Pain: Why Remote Working Increases the Risk of Low Back Pain

Back Pain: Why Remote Working Increases the Risk of Low Back Pain

Back Pain: Why Remote Working Increases the Risk of Low Back Pain

The Covid-19 crisis has shaken the world and some work habits. First and foremost, but not least, is the ability to work from home. At first glance, such a solution is full of advantages: the ability to sleep longer, not have to endure traffic jams or the “joy” of transport. However, contrary to popular belief, full-time remote work does have detrimental effects on your health, especially on your spine. This is what a study conducted by Public Health France showed in October 2023.

The prevalence of low back pain is 9.2% for people who work remotely full-time, compared to 5.3% for those who work remotely part-time and 4.8% for those who do not telework.

Beware of social isolation

The reason is poor office equipment, but not only that. Indeed, this study particularly emphasizes the importance of physical conditions for remote work: a dedicated room, a second screen, a keyboard, an office chair. But to reduce the health consequences of remote work, we must not forget about other organizational aspects: for example, the number of days of remote work per week. Telework also has an impact on the psychological well-being of remote workers due to social isolation. This isolation can contribute to lower back pain.

Thus, the profile of victims of lumbago and other back problems has changed along with the affected public, which has changed the socio-professional background. Mark Perez notes: “I am 70 years old. When I started practicing medical osteopathy, forty years ago, the only people who came to me to consult me ​​were builders for lumbago, sciatica and injuries. Since the IT era, since the 1990s, I have almost no workers, but mostly managers. They often have pain between their shoulder blades. Their position on the screens is not ergonomic; they pull on the column. »

Source: Le Parisien

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