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Price of the dollar in Peru today, Monday, February 26: what is the exchange rate of the day

Price of the dollar in Peru today, Monday, February 26: what is the exchange rate of the day

Price of the dollar in Peru today, Monday, February 26: what is the exchange rate of the day


How much did the dollar close at on the last Sunday, February 25?

The price of the dollar in the country closed the week on Friday, February 23 in S/3.7970 (with an opening of S/3.7885), as announced by the Central Reserve Bank of Peru (BCRP).


The interbank exchange rate closed the week with an average value of S/3.7963with a maximum of S/3.8000 and a minimum of S/3.7920.


What is the Ocoña dollar?

The Ocoña dollar is the “street dollar”, that is, the informal exchange rate, the one that is bought and sold in the parallel market or exchange houses. The Ocoña jirón and the “Ocoña dollar” are still in force as a reference for the parallel market for the purchase and sale of dollars.

Source: BBVA


Where to see the price of the dollar?

The official closing price of the day can be found on the website of the Superintendency of Banking, Insurance and AFP (SBS).


What is the difference between the buying and selling price of the dollar?

Purchase price: what the buyer is willing to pay to acquire the asset.

Sale price: what the seller is willing to receive for selling the asset.


What does the price of the dollar depend on?

It depends on the supply and demand of the market. How difficult it is to get it for someone who needs it and how easy it is to sell it for someone who has it.


Check the purchase and sale price of the dollar in the country for this Monday, February 26

• Price of the dollar in Peru: how much the exchange rate closed at on Sunday, February 25


• La Tinka: check results and winner for Sunday, February 25

• Tremor today in Peru: magnitude and reports of the latest earthquakes

Source: Elcomercio

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