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Ruby Palomino in Viña del Mar: Peru obtained the lowest average of the first night

Ruby Palomino in Viña del Mar: Peru obtained the lowest average of the first night

Ruby Palomino in Viña del Mar: Peru obtained the lowest average of the first night

The Peruvian singer Ruby Palomino conquered the Quinta Vergara with her interpretation of the song “Song for a sad planet” at the Viña del Mar Song Festival 2024. The artist demonstrated her talent on stage and won the applause of the audience present with a song that invites people to take care of the planet at a carnival pace.

During her presentation on the Quinta Vergara stage, Ruby Palomino captivated the audience with an emotional performance. It should be noted that the artist from Huancayo is one of the two Peruvian representatives who will be at the event. The other will be Lita Pezo, classified in the international competition.


Virtual jury for Peru: 5.6

Partial average: 4.8

As is known, the Viña del Mar folkloric competition is one of the traditions of the festival and, on previous occasions, it has already enshrined Peruvians. Among them, Damaris and Milena Warthon.

The winners of this competition receive a silver seagull and a financial prize of just over 30 thousand dollars.

Ruby Palomino is one of the 6 selected in the Viña folkloric competition of 2024. These are the other participants:

  • Ahyre (Argentina)
  • Yaneth Sandoval (Mexico)
  • Jhonathan Chávez (Panama)
  • Mariel Mariel (Chile)
  • Gardenia (Bolivia)

The Viña del Mar festival can be followed in streaming through Star Plus. In the next link. These are the broadcast times:

  • Peru, Colombia, Ecuador: 7:20 p.m.
  • Mexico: 6:20 p.m.
  • Chile, Argentina, Venezuela: 9:20 p.m.

Source: Elcomercio

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