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Agricultural exhibition: the stand of dairy giant Lactalis was attacked again

Agricultural exhibition: the stand of dairy giant Lactalis was attacked again

Agricultural exhibition: the stand of dairy giant Lactalis was attacked again

Several dozen demonstrators and a black Breton cow carrying a flag in the colors of the Agricultural Confederation on its back landed at the Lactalis stand at the agricultural show this Tuesday around 12:20 pm ET. They hung banners and pasted stickers in front of a crowd of cameras and under the watchful eye of security guards to denounce the low prices of milk.

Lactalis “offers 420 euros per ton of milk, when the real cost of production is 440. To be able to pay livestock farmers, you need 500 euros,” Lawrence Marandola, a representative of the Peasant Confederation, said at the stand.

According to her, “Lactalis has been profitable for months, years. This is the world’s leading dairy group and it’s not about the farmers.”

“We have something to say and we will stay there.”

The guard made her leave and she said, “I’m not going to touch your stand, but we have something to say and we’ll stay there.” Lactalis, alerted to possible action, ceased activity at its stand around 11:30 am. “We welcome a lot of families and children,” the spokesman said.

When the demonstrators arrived, security guards took up their positions but were unable to prevent them from entering, causing a brief scuffle when they attempted to place a “Best Prices” banner on the stand promoting the group’s brands (President, Company, Lactel, Bridélice, etc. .).

The company, which has not responded officially, recalls that mediation is underway with producers and emphasizes that dairy products are also sold for export, which complicates the remuneration equation for French breeders. Protesters left the stand shortly after 1 p.m., saying they would “may” return and leaving behind walls covered in stickers.

Lactalis has already been targeted in the past week by several actions by farmers condemning its business practices. In particular, about 200 demonstrators from the Confederation of Paysanne entered the group’s headquarters in Laval on Wednesday. Farmers dumped manure on the exhibition stand on Saturday.

Source: Le Parisien

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