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Lula says Israel wants to “end the Palestinians” in the Gaza Strip

Lula says Israel wants to “end the Palestinians” in the Gaza Strip

Lula says Israel wants to “end the Palestinians” in the Gaza Strip

The Brazilian president, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silvastated this Tuesday that Israel point at “get rid of the Palestinians” at the Gaza stripin a new statement following the open diplomatic crisis with the Israeli government.

The government of Israel wants to effectively wipe out the Palestinians in Gaza strip. And that. It is exterminating this territorial space with the Palestinian people so that they can occupy it. There is no other explanation“Lula said in an interview with Rede Tv! and the ‘Uol’ portal, according to a preview offered by these media outlets.

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Lula reiterated that the Israeli offensive is a “genocide“because you face”a highly prepared army against women and children“, according to an excerpt released by the media, which broadcast the full interview on Tuesday night.

However, he clarified that he did not use the word Holocaust In the statements he made on February 18, which opened a diplomatic crisis with Israel, and highlighted that he was the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahuwho made this interpretation.

On the occasion, during a press statement about the trip to EthiopiaLula said that “what is happening to the Palestinian people has never existed in history, it (only) existed when Hilter decided to kill the Jews”.

In response to these words, Israel declared Lula ‘persona non grata’ in the country and publicly reprimanded the Brazilian ambassador in full. Holocaust Museum.

Brazil reacted by calling his diplomat for consultations and with protests about the “unacceptable“,”liars” It is “unworthy”accusations of the Israeli Foreign Minister, Israel Katzagainst Lula.

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In an interview this Tuesday, Lula said that “I didn’t expect the Israeli government to understand” his words conveyed Netanyahu’s mood and ideology, and ensured that he would repeat them.

However, he highlighted that Brazil only seeks peace and guaranteed that “was the first country”when condemning the“terrorist attack” in Hamas from past October 7th.

Lula used the word “genocide” to refer to the Israeli offensive on several occasions and Brazil was one of the first countries to support the complaint presented by South Africa The International Court of Justice (ICJ) of Have itwhich accuses Israel of maintaining a “pattern of genocidal behavior”in Gaza.

Source: Elcomercio

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